Velkommen til KONKORDIAs referenceside, hvor LBN Medical fortæller om deres oplevelse med KONKORDIAs Sales Excellence forløb i 2018


Sales excellence in LBN Medical

by Sales Director: Jesper K. Nielsen 

“To perform at your best requires 2 things:

-   To thrive at home

-   To thrive at work"

To me it is important that my employees thrive both at home and at work. To do so, it is important to know your own values, vision and mission, and not only the company’s. You take your own personal values into your professional life and in your approach towards the customers. When you become aware of your triggers in your customer dialogue, and how you bring value into both environments, you will achieve better results.

This training among other things has created double digit growth in 2018 and we expect this to continue in 2019. The growth has come from new customers and developing and retention of our existing customers.

I started with LBN Medical in January 2017 and I quickly found out that to grow the sales it was important to anchor the understanding of the personal values and competences in the sales process and the salesforce. I know that it makes a big difference in the customer perception of LBN Medical. Besides a common frame of reference, this increase in sales competences has provided us with a common understanding of our team and corporation in achieving our overall goals.

My experience is that to achieve good sales results fast it is necessary to upgrade more processes and competences simultaneously. That is why, when I outsource certain areas, I make sure it lives up to my own values, beliefs and targets, and with great success.

All in all the results of this training is a higher activity level and thereby more customer efforts.

I recommend KONKORDIA and Troels to all companies who want growth in both results and employees.”

Jesper K. Nielsen

Sales Director, LBN Medical

Jesper K. Nielsen, LBN Medical

Jesper K. Nielsen, LBN Medical


Troels er en mand, der siger, hvad han gør, og gør, hvad han siger, hvilket passer rigtig godt i tråd med vores værdier, og kombineret med en stærk faglig profil og en god menneskelig indsigt har vi haft stor glæde og udbytte af samarbejdet med Troels/Konkordia.

Vi har været utrolig glade for Konkordia’s salgstræningsforløb lige fra den første dag, hvor Troels var så sikker på det, han kunne præstere, at han gav os to måneder til at prøve det af i, hvorefter vi ikke skulle betale, medmindre vi var tilfredse med det. Det var ikke tomme løfter, og vores salgsteam er blevet løftet rigtig godt med en væsentlig større effektivitet og gennemslagskraft, både med de etablerede sælgere (længere end fem års anciennitet) og de nye sælgere (mindre end to års anciennitet).

Jeg sidder med en dejlig fornemmelse af, at vi har fået mere, end vi har betalt for.
— Lars Braun Nielsen, Chief Executive Officer/Owner, LBN Medical
Lars Braun Nielsen, LBN Medical

Lars Braun Nielsen, LBN Medical

Konkordia Sales training led by Troels Brink has offered me personally a new insight into organizing and re-organizing what I do well, and how enchantingly it allows me to access whatever I needed, whenever I wanted to. It’s quite awesome!

Before the fact, I used to focus on what went wrong, so I can fix it. There might have been some good on that side of the pond; but we can end-up belligerently wasting so much energy.

NOW! I am more aware of things that go well, and how they irrefutably gone that way. That simply allow me to duplicate whatever I wanted, whenever I had the need to. WELL, Almost! That is more AWESOME!

Skills such as listening, focusing more on others, letting go of things out of our control, leveling and equalizing our energies, all may sound as a classic cliché, but neurologically we are prone to negligence and forgetfulness.

I have no doubt a rookie sales person can benefit of this type of training, equality a veteran and highly skilled sales and executives can do too.

Lastly, as one of Japan’s favorite Philosophers, swordsmen and Samurais Miyamoto Musashi once said: “There is nothing outside of yourself that can ever enable you to get better, stronger, richer, quicker or smarter. Everything you need exist within. Seek nothing outside yourself.”

I wasn’t planning on such a long testimony, I sincerely mean every word, wishing you best of luck 😊
— Wsam A.H., LBN Medical
Livsbekræftende træning, som på det personlige plan har givet mig et nyt syn på mig selv og mine værdier.
Personal Powerful Plan er blevet en del af min hverdag, og et arbejdsredskab jeg vil gøre brug af fremadrettet.

Salgstræningen har givet mening. Det har været håndgribeligt, overskueligt og ikke været højtragende med uforståelige termer, tonsvis af slides og kopieret materiale.

Mine mantraer – jeg tror på:
At jeg gør en forskel
At jeg smitter positivt af på andre
At jeg bruger mine talenter positivt
At jeg er en person andre har lyst til at være sammen med
At jeg er mig , og jeg er god nok

All good things come to an end… Tak for et fantastisk forløb. Det har været en fin rejse, med smil, tårer og grin.
— Rikke Bjerg Madsen, Key Account Manager, LBN Medical
The sales training has helped me to gain another point of view when it comes to address issues with customers, learn from them and adjust their expectations.

Sharing the different cases with colleagues and an external person made me more confident and secure towards the sales process.
— Alba Parareda Gracia, Key Account Manager, LBN Medical
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I have gained a better understanding of myself and my patterns of action.

By looking at my unconscious actions, I have got tools to make these conscious and I have thus had the opportunity to change them.
For me it has been an important step in my personal development because I can now choose whether I want to do “as usual” or change my habits.

In addition, I have become more aware of my colleagues’ behavior and personality which I can use in our daily communication.
— Martin lind, Key Account Manager, LBN Medical

I have attended many sales courses in the past from different countries but this is one of the courses where I find it most interesting and useful and it helps me a lots for my daily work.
After taking the course I find myself more motivated and there are many tools that can apply to help me in my daily job!

I will of course not hesitate to recommend this course to any of my friends 😊
— Vi Tran Thi Tuong, Key Account Manager, LBN Medical
To be a professional sales with systematic and effective working habit.

Being confident, optimistic and proactive will lead to great sales performance.

Keep motivating, supporting, inspiring and interacting others around as a team.
— Junfeng Song, LBN Medical
It is very informative, systematic and well-presented training!

I’m looking forward to utilizing the tools and knowledge I’ve gained from this training, putting into practice and making a big difference.
— Fang Wang, Key Account Manager, LBN Medical

Thanks for the training course, no doubt, it has created a value for me personally and for our team. I would like to highlight:

More positive attitude towards daily work

Better understanding of customer needs and types of customers

Better understanding of my own strengths and weaknesses

Better planning of daily tasks
— Dmitrii Rzhavtcev, Key Account Manager, LBN Medical
The training sessions with Troels Brink is a balanced mixture of development in personal and professional skills.

I have realized the necessity of such a balance – to have harmony between your personal and professional skillset helps me to strive and achieve goals I aim for.

The training has brought me more clarity in my work, and has been an essential part of bringing me more motivation (TOWARDS!!) in my everyday work life, also when it is not going your way! / or also when the sun is not shining on you!
— Kris Skaarup, Key Account Manager, LBN Medical